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Legal notices and copyrights

The website accessible at the address is edited by the Association des Ecrits des 7 de l'Atlas (AE7A), association law 1901, whose head office is Abbaye NOTRE-DAME d'AIGUEBELLE - 4500 Route d'Aiguebelle - 26230 MONTJOYER - Tel: 04 75 98 64 70

Editorial manager: Marie-Dominique Minassian

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This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations. Reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the site manager.

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The Data Protection Act of 6/01/1978 allows you to exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of personal data concerning you, by contacting our association.
The site does not collect any nominative or personal information on visitors other than that which is openly and voluntarily provided to it, in particular via electronic addresses via the various contact forms.

Photographic credits
© Personal photos of the families of the monks of Tibhirine

© Notre-Dame d'Aiguebelle Abbey
© Association des Ecrits des 7 de l'Atlas

© Marie-Dominique Minassian

Design, production, technical integration, site maintenance
© Association des Ecrits des 7 de l'Atlas

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