The scriptorium is a central place in monastic life. Formerly the workshop of copyist monks, it is today, among Cistercians and Trappists, this privileged place, personal and community, for meeting God: lectio divina ...


Going into history
Read Brother Christophe's express biography .
Use chronological benchmarks to read the newspaper in parallel.
Identify the "actors" in this notebook.
Write in the margin of the text all the biblical passages that arise during the reading.
Find its “resolutions” in the thread of the text.

May 8, 94
- Christmas 94
A new event upsets the affected Christian community in its members. What reaction from Christophe?
What commitment does he make then concretely?
What is it based on?
What feelings predominate? What obstacles are encountered?
What are the opening places?

August 8
- Christmas 93
Brother Christophe begins this notebook with a reflection on the act of writing. What is the intention that guides his act of writing? What biblical resonances? What function does this notebook have? A word crosses it often and appears as the red thread of this notebook? What is it?
Little by little, reflection gives way to other things: everyday mentions, prayer words, copied readings, interior resolutions, events, links with biblical texts ... List them.
Read the poem from 23.10.93. What is the biblical text of reference? Who is speaking in this poem? What is the movement contained in this poem? There is a synonym for the little central word of all this notebook. What is it?

Christmas 94
- July 25, 95
New murders ....
What posture? Personal? Community?
What prayer? What relation to liturgical time?
What atmosphere emanates from this period?
Which themes stand out strongly?
The word grace often appears. What reality does Christophe refer to?

Christmas 93
- May 6, 94
Identify the various allusions to Christmas night 1993.
How does Christophe evolve after this famous night? What feelings have followed one another? What are the spiritual levers implemented during the weeks that followed? What are the resource locations?
A "decision" is formed: what are the stages?
What look at Islam?

until March 19, 96
What feeling emanates from this period? What evolution? What's going on in the community? What does Christophe reflect from his brothers and from community life?
Her father's death brought Christophe a new closeness to her. It is intimate death.
How does Christophe talk about it? And what does he feel invited to?
What positioning vis-à-vis Islam?